Naval Historical Society of Australia
Preserving Australia's Naval History
The English pirates of the early seventeenth Century, were the direct successors of the well-known privateers and pirates of Elizabeth I’s reign, such as Drake and Hawkins. For almost twenty years, their depredations covered the whole of the North Atlantic, and several gained infamy by establishing themselves in North African ports, where they helped the Turkish dependencies in their wars against Christian countries in the Mediterranean.
Clive completed his PhD on piracy at Bristol University in the UK, and subsequently published a book on the subject: ‘A Nation of Pirates.’ With the increasing interest in piracy, both Clive’s book and his thesis have been digitised by Bristol University. Clive’s working life in Perth has been as a lawyer and mediator, specialising in mining law, native title and Aboriginal heritage.
The talk is on Monday June 21st at 6:00pm at the Claremont Lawn Tennis Club, Shenton Road, Claremont. Parking is at the Tennis Club and in the public car park on Davies Road. There is a $5 Admin fee, and the cash bar is open before and after the talk. To attend, you must register with the Secretary,
Dr Heather Rogers:, or Mobile: 0407-912-781.