With the end of World War II in sight the RAN had to plan for replacement ships of its hard worked destroyer force. The remaining ‘V&W’ destroyers HMA Ships Vendetta ...
HMAS Anzac (I) – Flotilla Leader
Obituary: Len Meakin
The Submarine Association of Australia has informed us of the passing over the bar on 2nd November 2010 at age 83 of Len Meakin, Gunnery Instructor, Submarine Chief Coxswain, and ...
Battle Honour Board – HMAS Kanimbla
At a recent ceremony held onboard HMAS Kanimbla (CMDR Tim Byles, RAN) the ship’s recently refurbished Battle Honour Board was re-dedicated by Chaplain Col Acton, RAN. The Battle Honours Board ...
The Navy and a Yacht Race
The Royal Australian Navy at War South-West Pacific Area
General Knowledge Question
Which ship of the RAN wore the flag of an Admiral of the Fleet longer than any other? Answer Though her commission in the RAN was very brief, HMAS Suva ...
The Story of a Hundred Gallon Barrel
UK Defence Bullying Report – RAF Worst of the Three Services
A recent report by the Equal Opportunities Audit Team has found that allegations of ‘a culture of widespread bullying and brutality’ within the British Forces are, in the most part, ...
Cannon Balls – Dispelling a Myth
In days of old, when muzzle-loading cannons constituted the main armament in ships of war, it was necessary to keep a good supply of cannon balls near the cannons. The ...
KÖNIGSBERG: The Thorn in the Rose Garden
The harbour of peace is the English translation of Dar-es-Salaam, the capital of the large and potentially wealthy colony of German East Africa. East Africa was the prize possession of ...
Reminiscences about the wartime activities of HMAS Australia
Broke of the Shannon – Boston 1813
Christmases Past …
1776 Captain James Cook with HM ships Resolution and Discovery, arrived at Kerguelen or Desolation Island and named it after Capitan de Kerguelen, the French navigator. 1789 Entry in New ...
Women in the RAN – a Personal Perspective
A Reminiscence – Bombers and MTBs in the Med
Sinking of HMS Peterel – Shanghai 1944
Carley Life Rafts of WW2
The Carley life-float (Admiralty Seamanship Manual 1956 terminology) was the principal method of lifesaving equipment during WW2, fitted to all warships, and not superseded by the present form of inflatable ...
Submarines of the British Pacific Fleet
Although largely unseen except on setting out and returning to base at Fremantle WA, British submarines of the BPF mainly T and S classes, achieved a great deal through their ...
British Pacific Fleet 1944-46
Obituary: Lieutenant W E Allen RAN (Retd) 1899-2005
Bust of Lord Nelson at MHQ garden Island
The inscription reads: This bust of Lord Nelson Presented to the Royal Australian Navy by the Naval Auxiliary Patrol Association NSW Was erected in its present (sic) position On the ...
Sea Power Ashore and in the Air
HMAS Pioneer – Blockading German East Africa, 1915-16
Nelson’s Coat and the Bullet that Killed Him
Horatio Nelson’s “Trafalgar Coat”, the uniform he was wearing when he was shot, has been reunited with the French musket ball that passed through it and killed him in 1805. ...