By Norman Rivett Peter Hibbs has a unique association with Garden Island that is not generally known. He was born at Ramsgate in Kent in 1757 and is buried at ...
The lagatoi of the Motu people and the lalong of the Bel people of Papua New Guinea
By Mary Mennis This interesting article is by an author who lived many years in New Guinea studying anthropology and almost by accident became expert in an older style of ...
Mary Bryant’s Open Boat Voyage from Sydney to Timor in 1791 – Opportunist convict or our most magnificent heroine?
By Marsden Hordern Mary Bryant nee Broad This is the story of Mary Bryant, the convict woman with two babies who in 1791 helped steal a naval cutter in Sydney ...
A Tailored Solution: Chief Petty Officer Alfred Lyall Glendinning
Most members of the RAN past and present will have set foot in a Glendinning store but where does the name come from? This small tribute has been compiled with ...
Letter: Our First Fleet Commander (March 2015)
Tony Nichols, our Canadian correspondence comments: I always enjoy reading the NHR. What caught my eye in the article you wrote on Admiral Patey was the name Seydlitz which you describe ...