I was very interested to see the article on the Newport Ship in our recent journal. I saw the timbers in tubs in Newport in 2005 and had a good ...
Book Review: Love, Oil and the Fortunes of War
Love, Oil and the Fortunes of War is a fictionalised history by Sydney-based author Paul Ashford Harris. Published by Ventura Press in 2023, a paperback edition of 288 pages and ...
Book Review: Nelson’s Lost Son.
Nelson’s Lost Son. The recently published Nelson’s Lost Son is the second part of a trilogy by author Oliver Greeves. Part One, Nelson’s Folly, was reviewed in the December 2021 ...
Health Support for Naval Operations: Not just Treatment Services
By Commander Neil Westphalen, RAN Let us assume it’s 0915 on a Monday and you are the CPOCSM for a major fleet unit that is due to sail at 1000. ...
Regal and would-be Regal Yachts
In the era just past we became accustomed to hearing of the Royal Yacht Britannia and there was a tinge of sadness when obsolescence and economies led to her demise. ...