On Wednesday 19th November 1941 we intended to lay mines at the approaches to Shark Bay off Carnarvon in Western Australia. It was intended to use the hours of darkness ...
The Naval Defence of the Australian Colonies to Federation
The question with regard to naval defence is ‘what were the differences with the Mother Country’ and, if there were any, what impact did they have on the federation of the six colonies? ...
KÖNIGSBERG: The Thorn in the Rose Garden
The harbour of peace is the English translation of Dar-es-Salaam, the capital of the large and potentially wealthy colony of German East Africa. East Africa was the prize possession of ...
Letters: Dry Land Sailors
Dear Editor, I read with interest the recent article entitled Dry Land Sailors. In this article, Commander Swinden suggests that the Bridging Train was ‘barely known about in 1917, let ...