As movies, so many of the films screened to RAN personnel in rare moments of comparative leisure time in wartime ships were easily forgettable. For the author and many like ...
Where does the word “news” come from?
Al. During the days of explorers like Marco Polo and Ferdinand Magellan, trade merchants arriving at a foreign port would have the courtesy to inform departing vessels what the ocean’s ...
Collingwood’s Despatches from Trafalgar
Just over 50 years ago, on the even of the sesqui-century anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, the London Times published an elegant four-page facsimile of its November 7, 1805 ...
Victory at Trafalgar – How the News was Delivered
“Amongst the year-long celebration and commemoration of Lord Nelson’s final triumphant battle, there was a timely re-enactment of the memorable voyage and overland journey undertaken by the officer entrusted with Vice ...