Title: Pioneers of the Royal Australian Navy Author: Lofty Batt Publisher: Naval Historical Society of Australia (Inc) [Ed: The Society recently published this book] New Zealander Lofty Batt joined the Royal Navy’s ...
Operation Pedestal – 60th Anniversary
15th August 2002 marks the sixtieth anniversary of the arrival in Malta of the Pedestal convoy, delivering at heavy cost the critical supplies that saved the island from having to ...
Stamps Honour British and French Explorers of New Holland
Amid the rivalry of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815), France and Britain sponsored voyages of discovery to complete the charting of the Australian coastline and further scientific knowledge ...
RANVR Yachtsmen in World War II
Figureheads – A Short History
A figurehead (or more correctly figure head was a carved figure, usually human but quite often animal, fixed to a ship’s stem high in the box, just beneath the bowsprit. ...