I was most interested to read the account in the Naval Historical Review of June 1998 of the sinking of the British battleship Royal Oak. I was in command of ...
About HMAS Tingira
HMAS Tingira, often called The Cradle of the R.A.N., lay in the middle of Rose Bay from 25th April 1912 until 1927 as a training ship for lower deck new entries. ...
Letters – Australians at Zeebrugge
In the last issue of the Review you published my request for information regarding R.A.N. participation in the raid on Zeebrugge in 1918. Lieutenant Colonel John Bullen of Canberra was ...
Admiral Sir Victor Crutchley – Award of the Victoria Cross
Napoleon’s Fleet – Found Buried in Seabed off Egypt
CAIRO – Two centuries after a historic battle destroyed Napoleon’s hopes of crushing the British Empire, the French Emperor’s fleet has been discovered entombed in the depths of an artifact-rich ...