I refer to your request on page 3 of the June 1998 issue of the Naval Historical Review for information about the nature of the oil carried by HMAS Brisbane. ...
Letters – Japanese surrender in Timor
There was a uniqueness about the RAN involvement in the Japanese surrender ceremonies in Timor, raised in Peter Evans’s (Fairmile Association) letter in REVIEW Vol 19 No. 2 when he ...
The Greek Campaign 1941
The debate will never cease on the wisdom or otherwise of the decision by Churchilll’s war cabinet to send troops to assist the Greek Army in 1941. Field Marshal Earl ...
The launch of HMAS Warramunga II
[Extracts from a letter from Marsden Hordern: …I was recently on Three Hammock Island with the 87 year old John Alliston – you may have read his book, “Destroyer Man‘ ...
What flag was that?
Amid the saga of events in Jakarta over recent times, the red over white horizontal halves of the flag of the Republic of Indonesia have figured in high prominence. Displayed ...