Conversation with the President a few months ago produced a suggestion to air a hobby horse of mine in the Review, namely that technology tends to be a neglected dimension ...
Letters: What Size is a Hammock?
In the December 1995 issue of SHIPS MONTHLY, which I receive, was an article called “BOY ON A BATTLE” by Roger Fry recounting his Easter 1956 experiences as a Sea ...
Letters: Women’s Reserve Emergency Naval Service
With reference to the article in your Review (March 1996) by Mrs. Mildred Greaves, I must confess I never remember seeing or hearing of them (Women’s Volunteer Naval Reserve). I ...
The Preservation of HMAS Diamantina – Diamantina’s dilemma
Preserving yesteryear’s warships to enhance our maritime heritage is never easy. Even in the U.K. with its big population, the task of maintaining HMS BELFAST in the Thames opposite the ...
Reflections on HMAS Australia and Sydney at Gallipoli – 1936
As April 25 approaches, it is fitting to remember that it is just on 60 years since Gallipoli was visited by HMA Ships Australia and Sydney II. I was a midshipman ...