Thanks for printing my last article on the post-war Navy. A number of people spoke to me at the Anzac Day reunion about it and I have since had a ...
The Tragedy of the Centaur
MAY 14 1988 marks the 45th anniversary of the sinking of the Australian hospital ship Centaur, with the loss of 268 lives. Tony Stephens, who was three years and eight ...
The Cruiser Choir
Anon AT THE OUTBREAK OF WAR I was organist and choir master at St Andrews Church, Wahroonga. I mention this fact because it has a bearing on the short story ...
The Battle for the Boom
SYDNEY HARBOUR has always presented a racy scene! Yachts thrash about in all manner of class events, Sydney’s ‘Great Ferry Race’ captures the imagination of all who pack vantage points ...
Evolution of the Capital Ship 1906-1914
DREADNOUGHTS – the name given to battleships and battlecruisers of the navy, were ships to inspire men’s imaginations and by their majestic increase in tonnage and fire power, became the ...