The first-class belted cruiser, Australia, of 5,600 tons burden, 8,500hp, 327ft long, 56ft beam, 12 heavy and 22 small guns, with a complement of 461 officers and men (afterwards increased ...
Millionaire’s Yacht’s Naval Service
WE ARE ONCE MORE INDEBTED to naval archivist, Mr. John Ware, for this history of HMAS Adele. [The beautiful steam yacht is here depicted in the early 1920s as HMAS ...
British and German submarine statistics of World War II
THE GERMAN NAVY commenced World War II with fifty-six submarines, of which only twenty four were suitable for operations in the Atlantic. In the five and a half years of ...
Nestor died slowly
Twins Were Pioneers of the RAN
An announcement that two brothers had been appointed to command sister ships in Australia’s Destroyer Squadron has brought to light the careers of twin brothers who were pioneers of the ...