This impressive new paperback by Kerry Hodges has 207 pages well stocked with illustrations, photographs, maps and diagrams, and was recently published by Seabooks Press. The book may be purchased ...
Book Review: Kit Muster Vol II: Uniforms, Badges and Categories of the Australian Navy 1954 – 1984.
Kit Muster Vol II: Uniforms, Badges and Categories of the Australian Navy 1954 – 1984.Available from these locations: Regimental Books ( and Navy Uniforms eShop With a follow-up to his ...
Book Review: Nelson’s Folly
Nelson’s Folly by Oliver Greeves is a paperback of 408 pages, self-published in Australia in December 2020. It is available at most booksellers and via eBooks and Kindle. A fascination ...
Letter: Lieutenant Commander Ernest Thomas Lees DSO RANR
Dear Editor Regarding the article on Lieutenant Commander Ernest Thomas Lees DSO RANR in the September 2021 NHR (‘Naval Sub Lieutenant awarded the Distinguished Service Order’), I have unearthed some ...
Letter: Lew Lind
Dear Walter, Re LEW LIND Thank you for your reply, 15 September 2021, I would be honoured if you used my letter as a Letter to the Editor in your ...