As this edition of the Review contains an in-depth article on Cape York and Somerset it is opportune to include this discussion point. An example of one of the many ...
Letter: Up and Downers
We had quite a few responses to the article on Up and Downers in the June 2019 issue with the following which addresses most issues. Dear Editor I enjoyed the ...
Obituary: Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Sam Sakker, MBE, RANR (Rtd)
Sam was born in September 1937, in Harbin, the ice city of North Eastern China, but grew up in Tintsin (Tianjin), the coastal metropolis adjacent to Beijing. His parents were ...
Escape from Singapore – the Last Boat Leaves
The June 2019 edition of this magazine contained an article The Naval Evacuation of Singapore – February 1942 which lists MV Kembong amongst forty-five vessels that escaped. Her captain is ...
HMS Australia and the William Droudge Mystery
We know much about the WWI vintage battlecruiser HMAS Australia (I) and the WWII vintage heavy cruiser HMAS Australia (II) but very little about the first warship to carry our ...