The topic of Victoria Crosses (March 2019) never ceases to arouse interest and we have two similar emails from Ken Green and Tony Maskell who invite us to visit the ...
Letter: They Also Served– LCDR Frank Derek Simon RD RANR (S)
Mike Turner says he found the article on Frank Simon (March 2019) most interesting, particularly the Merchant/RANR(S) overlap. However, one small error is noted on page 22: It is ...
The Special Service Squadron – An episode in the peacetime history of theRoyal Navy 1923-1924
Rohan Goyne The ‘World Cruise’ of a special service squadron of the Royal Navy was an inter-war episode of flag waving across the world’s oceans from arguably a declining world ...
‘Up and Downers’ save the day
By Bob Hetherington This story was first published in All Hands, the magazine for volunteers at the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM), and is reproduced with their and the author’s kind ...
The Naval Evacuation of Singapore – February 1942
Singapore – a bastion of the British Empire, an impregnable fortress, fortified to withstand attack and prevent siege. With that in mind, thoughts of evacuation were therefore unnecessary. What the ...