“SMALL SHIPS AT WAR” By Iris Nesdale There has been for quite some time, a need for the story of the Small Ships of the RAN, below Corvette size in ...
Ship design and development
Transfield Shipbuilding
Transfield Shipbuilding has emerged as a regional leader in the provision of naval and commercial marine engineering services. By combining the capabilities of Transfield Amecon and Transfield Defence Systems in ...
Australia’s Submarine History – AE1 & AE2 To Collins
Letters: ‘Ocean Cruizer’ for State of Victoria
I have come across a bit of a curiosity from the past which may be of interest to some of the members. In March 1886, Major General Sir Andrew Clarke ...
The Battles – a Pictorial
Endeavour Replica under construction
Pieces of oregon some 530 years old are among a whole range of woods being used to meticulously construct a museum replica of Captain Cook’s Endeavour currently nearing completion in ...
ANZAC Class Frigates – Naming Issues
The New Anzac Class Frigates, the first of which will be delivered during 1995, have been named to commemorate previous ships of the Royal Australian Navy, all of which had distinguished ...
Letter: Naming of Frigates
I write to record my disappointment, and no doubt reflect the feelings of many others, with the names chosen for the ‘Anzac’ frigates. Firstly, the continuing of the names ARUNTA ...
Development of the Australian Submarine Force
The RAN’s Destroyers
The Collins Class Submarines
In an unprecedented break from Australian naval tradition, the new submarines have been named not after capital cities, towns or former vessels, but distinguished naval personnel in World War 2. ...
STUFT-Ships Taken Up From Trade – An historical perspective
Korean Turtle Ship
The Korean Turtle Ship is considered to be the first ironclad warship in the world, shaped like a turtle, invented and built by Admiral Yi Soon in 1592. From a ...
RAN Frigates – the versatile warship
Wartime Submarine Service
FFG5 Builds in Two Dockyards 600 Miles Apart
A TECHNIQUE successfully employed by Germany for the building of U boats is being employed in the building of the two guided missile frigates building in Australia. The frigates FFG5 ...
Camouflage in the Royal Australian Navy
(This short account of camouflage in the Royal Australian Navy was written by Ray Parkin some years ago and throws a little light on the devious art.) I DID NOT ...
Williamstown Naval Dockyard – Part 3
HMAS Parramatta Silver Jubilee
Williamstown Naval Dockyard – Part 2
Williamstown Naval Dockyard – Part 1
The Acceptance of the Second HMAS Voyager into Her Majesty’s Service
HMAS Melbourne – As it Was, a Bird’s Eye View
BOARDING THE CARRIER MELBOURNE for the first time it was all so baffling. The ship is so huge and her geography so complex I was continually lost as I wandered ...
Oilers in the Royal Australian Navy
IN THE BEGINNING there was COAL!! Lots of it. Dirty, dusty, nostril filling and seemingly unlimited in supply. Coaling Ship was an evolution in which everybody was engaged in the ...
Book Review: Australian and New Zealand Warships 1914-1945
Title: Australian and New Zealand Warships 1914-1945 Author: Ross Gillett This book is published by Doubleday Australia with a suggested retail price of $35.00. It is the latest published book ...