Most members of the RAN past and present will have set foot in a Glendinning store but where does the name come from? This small tribute has been compiled with ...
Article topics
Letter: Our First Fleet Commander (March 2015)
Tony Nichols, our Canadian correspondence comments: I always enjoy reading the NHR. What caught my eye in the article you wrote on Admiral Patey was the name Seydlitz which you describe ...
Letter: Able Seaman Frank Boston: Covering the Gallipoli Landings (March 2015)
Errol Stevens from Woolgoolga, NSW offers a well founded correction. Perhaps it may just be semantics, but I query the statement in the NHR March 2015 page 28 when discussing ...
Book Review: The Digger’s View – WWI in Colour
The Digger’s View – WWI in Colour by Juan Mahony. Published by The Digger’s View Pty Ltd, Newcastle, NSW, 2014. Hardback quarto size, 270 pages of high quality printing and artwork ...
Book Review: Rescue Pilot
Rescue Pilot by Jerry Grayson, AFC. Published by Bloomsbury, London, 2015. Softback, 230 pages with photographs. rrp $29.99. Most boys who want to fly dream of screaming supersonic jet fighters and ...
Book Review: The Forgotten Flotilla – The Craft of Heroes Greece, Crete & North Africa 1941
The Forgotten Flotilla – The Craft of Heroes Greece, Crete & North Africa 1941 by Michael James Bendon. Published by Ligare Book Printers, Sydney, 2014. Landscape format hardcover of 198 ...
Letter from HMAS Yarra II survivor
After lying dormant for many years a 73 year old letter written by a survivor from HMAS Yarra II has recently surfaced.The original recipient of the letter, George Vooles died in ...
The Battle of the Coral Sea
MIDN Lachlan Montgomery joined the RAN in February 2014 coming from a family of five in Ringwood Victoria. His father is a serving member of the Victorian Police Force and ...
Book Review: Under New Management – The Royal Australian Navy and the Removal of Germany from the Pacific, 1914-15
Under New Management – The Royal Australian Navy and the Removal of Germany from the Pacific, 1914-15. By Ian Pfennigwerth. Echo Books, West Geelong, Victoria, 2014. Soft cover of 182 pages ...
SMS Emden – Painting by Numbers
By Walter Burroughs The final voyage of SMS Emden and her eventual demise when cornered by HMAS Sydney is an action-packed drama which grips the imagination. Emden was a magnificent ship with a ...
The Naval Ode and Laurence Binyon
By Driftwood There are moments when we first gaze upon a work of art, whether in the pictorial or written form, and are drawn to its beauty and are inspired. ...
The Steam Yacht Ena and HMAS Sleuth
This article first appeared in the World Wide Ship Society Victoria Branch July 2014 newsletter and is reproduced with their kind permission and that of the author who is also ...
Able Seaman Frank Boston: Covering the Gallipoli Landings
This story first appeared in the April 2014 edition of Chatterbox, a magazine published by the Brisbane Water (NSW) Branch of Legacy and is reproduced with their kind permission. Frank ...
An Isolated War Grave: Warrant Officer John Henry Davies
This article was first published by the Military History & Heritage Society of Victoria and is reproduced with their kind permission and that of the author. In the far north ...
Sweeping the Dardanelles – Naval actions prior to the Anzac landing at Gallipoli
By Mike Turner On 18 March 1915 three Allied battleships were sunk by a line of 20 Turkish mines laid by the small Turkish minelayer Nusret in the Dardanelle Straits. ...
The Sydney Cenotaph and its Guardians
By an unknown serviceman The majority of our members will have paid their respects at the Cenotaph in Martin Place and gazed at its two imposing cast bronze sentinels. These ...
The Australian Maritime College charts course as a centre for excellence
Within these pages we hear great deal of the Royal Australian Naval College but this is the first occasion we have been privileged to receive information on the rival but ...
Occasional Paper 130: Our First Fleet Commander – Admiral Sir George Patey
By Walter Burroughs A summary of this paper was presented at a conference held from 30 September to 01 October 2014 at the Universidad Andres Bello, Chile on the maritime ...
HMAS Kanimbla
Dear Editor I refer to the back cover of the latest (December 2013) issue of the NHR. The painting of the lovely Kanimbla shows her post her time as HMAS – ...
Letter: Cry Havoc
Dear Editor, Having been a keen follower of your excellent magazine for many years I was disappointed to find that the myth surrounding ‘The Genoa Incident’ involving HMAS Kanimbla has once ...
The Battle of Cape Matapan
By MIDN John McClelland – winner of the Naval Historical Society Prize. John McClelland grew up on a sheep property near Bendigo in central Victoria .His primary and secondary education ...
HMAS Encounter (1905 – 1932)
HMS Encounter served on the Australia Station and was later commissioned into the RAN. She played a vital role in defence of the eastern coast of Australia, and the anti raider patrols in the South West Pacific. She was regarded as “more beloved than any other unit of our fleet”. ...
Letter: RANHS Grantala
The following email was received from Mike Dowsett, regrettably not in time for our September edition. A hundred years ago today, 30th August 1914 the Royal Australian Navy Hospital Ship ...
Book Review: Crime, Punishment and Redemption – A Convict’s Story
Crime, Punishment and Redemption – A Convict’s Story. By June Slee. National Library of Australia Publishing, Canberra, 2014. Landscape sized softcover of 207 pages, liberally illustrated with coloured prints, ...
Lieutenant Commander Arthur Callaway, DSO, RANVR and the courage of HM Trawler Lady Shirley
Courage of HM Trawler lady Shirley Tow hundred miles west-south-west of the Canary Islands the Atlantic rollers surge endlessly eastward towards the African shore. In October 1941, these were dangerous ...