This story was compiled by Tony Howland from several websites, including primarily HMA Ship Histories by the Sea Power Centre – Australia, and Shipwrecks by the ABC. HMAS Warrnambool (1) ...
Article topics
The Story of Ordnance Artificer Gordon Robertson
In the quiet Presbyterian Section of GoreHill Cemetery (Sydney), only 50 metres or so from the busy Pacific Highway upon which the people of the city travel to and from ...
The New South Wales Naval Forces 1863 – 1902
RAN Heritage Management: The Long Memory
A short history of the RAN Bridging Train (1915-1917)
Garden Island Boilermakers – Heroes of the Tarakan Disaster
Leadership: Admiral Bruce Fraser, RN
Book Review: RN Navy List 1943
Book Review: A Very Rude Awakening
A Very Rude Awakening: The night the Japanese midget subs came to Sydney Harbour. By Peter Grose Allen & Unwin Reviewed by Tim Duchesne On 31 May 1942, three cruisers, ...
Letters: Adelaide’s Boarding Party
Dear Editor, Although I’m sure others will have already raised this, the one thing that the article about Adelaide‘s Boarding Party in the June issue failed to mention is that ...
Letters: HMAS Quickmatch to the Rescue
Dear Editor, I refer to the article HMAS Quickmatch to the Rescue by Max Hayles. I am most grateful to him for revealing that it was Quickmatch which came to ...
Letters: Followup on Singapore Naval Base
Dear Editor, The article ‘Singapore Naval Base Origin and Evolution’ published in the March 2007 issue of the Naval Historical Review contains a number of issues that warrant clarification. The ...
Book Review: The Royal Australian Navy – a History
The Royal Australian Navy – a History Edited by David Stevens, published by Oxford University Press. First published in 2001 as a hardback version, reprinted several times and so well ...
Further Reflections on the Sydney/Kormoran Battle, 1941
Leadership: Admiral of the Fleet Isoroku Yamamoto
HMAS Quickmatch – Medical Rescue – 1944
Korean Waters – Tribal Class Destroyers
Gascoyne to the Rescue On Christmas Day 1944
HMAS Adelaide – Boarding Party, Persian Gulf 2004
Book Review: The Indomitable Captain Matthew Flinders, RN
The Indomitable Captain Matthew Flinders, Royal Navy. By Peter Ashley. Published by Pierhead Press, England. rrp A$22.00. Reviewed by Dave Rickard The author, Peter Ashley, has spent nearly four decades ...