I would like to comment on the loss of HMAS Voyager I – Monograph No. 25, transcript by Commodore Bryan Cleary, RAN (Rtd). I was serving in HMAS Voyager at the time ...
Article topics
WW2 Bickley Naval Guns at Rottnest Island W.A.
The Capture of U-570 and Commissioning as HMS Graph – 1941
HMS Calliope in the Great Hurricane at Samoa – 1889
Letters – Quickmatch and Chapel Windows
I have received the March 1997 issue of the “Naval Historical Review”, which I am glad to note is up to the usual high standard. I would like to comment on ...
Commander Hugh W S Browning – HMAS Quiberon
The Remarkable Passage of the Wansfell through the Barrier Reef, 1863-1864
CDRE J G Goodenough (1830-1875) – Restoration of Grave
It all began with the monograph of an occasional paper delivered to the Naval Historical Society of Australia, Western Australia Chapter, by Lieutenant Commander G. L. W. Vickridge RFD RANR ...
Obituary: Alan Zammit RAN (1927-1997)
One of the Australian Navy’s foremost enthusiasts, Alan Zammit, was buried on Thursday at South Head Cemetery. A man capable of organising other lives, he had organised his own dying ...
The Origins of the General Service Medal
The Battle of Trafalgar – A Midshipman’s Memoirs, 1805
Tresco – History of the First Sydney Naval Residence of the RAN
Memorial Window – RAN destroyers
At the Chapel of Remembrance, Garden Island, Sydney on Sunday, 15th July 1997 a memorial window commemorating the fifteen RAN destroyers which served in World War II was dedicated and ...
HMS Hood Memorial
Memorials to the loss of naval ships in UK are seldom seen but there is one of world-wide interest. The old Parish Church of Boldre, the building of which commenced ...
S206 – Officer Competancy Reports
The form used for Britain’s Royal Navy and Marines officer competency reports is the S206. The following are apparently true excerpts taken from people’s 206s. In the RAN it was ...
Letters: Ashes of Captain Ian McDonald
This is a letter from Mrs. I.H. McDonald (Widow of the late Captain I.H. McDonald RAN – N.H.S. “Review” March 1997) to the Maritime Commander Australia. Rear Admiral C. A. ...
Rear Admiral Sir Henry Wilfred Eldon Manisty KCB CMG RN
“… a really capable officer,” NHR Vol. 17 No. 3 1996 (September 1996). I have long considered that the contribution made by Staff Paymaster (later Fleet Paymaster) Eldon Manisty RN, ...
Book Review: U-Boat Far from Home
Letters: Harmony at sea
The article in the last issue of N.H.R. Vol. 17, No. 4, (Harmony at Sea) (December 1996) about the employment of women sailors at sea (R.A.N.) was not only revealing ...
From the President
I regret to say that many people writing on naval and other maritime subjects are, in my opinion, very sloppy with their terminology. Self-styled “Naval Correspondents” are not above referring ...
LUIGI DURAND DE LA PENNE – Italian human torpedo
Few people who saw the Italian Guided Missile Destroyer LUIGI DURAND DE LA PENNE during her visit to Sydney will know of this story of the person for whom she was ...
Belconnen Naval Wireless Station and HMAS Harman 1939-1996
Stoker Hanlon – Dead men tell no tales
Battle of Cape St Vincent bicentenary – an Australian perspective
“Nobly, Nobly, Cape St. Vincent to the North West died away” The Canberra Times I note did not let the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Cape St Vincent on ...