HIJM Ships CHIKUMA and HIRADO, (cruisers), arrived in Australian waters to bolster naval defence in the area. At that point the majority of the RAN’s warships were serving overseas in ...
On This Day
Australian Naval History on 9 May 1917
The Australian Government agreed to send HMA Ships WARREGO, PARRAMATTA, YARRA, SWAN, TORRENS, and HUON, to European waters, following and urgent request from Britain. This request clearly indicated Australia did ...
Australian Naval History on 8 May 1917
The Japanese ship HIRADO, (cruiser), was docked at Cockatoo Island, Sydney. During the year the Japanese ships CHIKUMA, YAHAGI, NISSHIN, and KASUGA, operated in Australian waters. ...
Australian Naval History on 4 May 1917
The cruiser HMAS SYDNEY, (CAPT J. S. Dumaresq, RAN), in company with HMS DUBLIN and four destroyers, was attacked by the German zeppelin L43 in the North Sea. CAPT Dumaresq ...
Australian Naval History on 25 April 1917
HMAT Ballarat was torpedoed by a submarine in the English Channel 25 April 1917. Efforts made to tow the ship to shallow water failed and she sank off The Lizard ...
Australian Naval History on 24 April 1917
LEUT R. A. Little, an Australian serving with No. 8 Squadron, RNAS, brought down intact a German DFW fighter. Little was flying a Sopwith tri-plane. ...
Australian Naval History on 7 April 1917
LEUT R. A. Little, an Australian serving with the RNAS, outfought and out-manoeuvred 11 German Albatross ID aircraft in a dogfight over France. Little was flying a Sopwith tri-plane. German ...
Australian Naval History on 2 April 1917
A Sopwith Baby seaplane was embarked in HMAS BRISBANE, (cruiser), at Colombo, to hunt down the German raider WOLF. BRISBANE was the first ship of the RAN to carry an ...
Australian Naval History on 27 March 1917
The RANBT was disbanded. The men serving in this unit either transferred to the 1st AIF, RAN, RN, or returned to Australia for discharge. ...
Australian Naval History on 7 March 1917
The Australian Naval Board informed the Admiralty that “a small minesweeping flotilla is being trained at Sydney and Melbourne”. The vessels were requisitioned tugs and trawlers manned by the Australian ...
Australian Naval History on 5 March 1917
HMAS SLEUTH, (armed yacht), joined the Torres Strait Patrol. The Australian Naval Board feared German raiders would mine the straits. ...
Australian Naval History on 21 February 1917
HM Submarine J7, later HMA Submarine J7, was launched at Devonport, England. ...
Australian Naval History on 18 February 1917
The Australian transport BERRIMA, formerly HMAS BERRIMA, (armed merchant cruiser), was torpedoed by a German submarine in the English Channel. ...
Australian Naval History on 17 February 1917
SBLT R. S. Dallas, an Australian serving with the RNAS, shot down a German Aviatik aircraft over France. Dallas was flying a Sopwith triplane. ...
Australian Naval History on 12 February 1917
On 12 February 1917 HMAT Afric was sunk in the English Channel after being torpedoed by the German submarine SM UC-66, whilst sailing outbound between Liverpool and Plymouth, 12 miles ...
Australian Naval History on 1 February 1917
The German Government ordered unrestricted submarine warfare against Allied shipping. SBLT R. S. Dallas, an Australian serving with the RNAS, shot down a German Aviatik aircraft over France. Dallas was ...
Australian Naval History on 13 January 1917
The armed yacht and patrol vessel HMAS SLEUTH was commissioned. As the steam-yacht ENA she was built in Sydney in 1901. ENA was requisitioned for patrol service in January 1917. ...
Australian Naval History on 4 January 1917
The Australian Destroyer Squadron patrolled the waters south and west of Singapore. ...
Australian Naval History on 25 December 1916
A spartan Christmas was the lot of HMAS HUON, (torpedo boat destroyer), in Malayan waters:- ‘On patrol-dirty weather -had bully beef and biscuits and some duff knocked up by ourselves’. ...
Australian Naval History on 22 December 1916
50 personnel from the RANBT, under CMDR L. S. Bracegirdle, RAN, landed at El Arish on the Sinai Peninsula, to build a pier to land supplies in support of the ...
Australian Naval History on 20 December 1916
HMAT Itonus torpedoed and sunk near Malta in the Mediterranean by Austrian submarine U-38 on 20 Dec 1916 as she was making her way from Marseilles to Sydney with a ...
Australian Naval History on 20 December 1916
HMA Ships SYDNEY and MELBOURNE, (cruisers), were damaged when the destroyers HOSTE and NEGRO collided and sank off Norway. Both ships lost a man and seven were injured when the ...
Australian Naval History on 13 December 1916
HMAS Brisbane departed Sydney for war service in the Mediterranean, arriving at Malta on 4 February 1917 ...
Australian Naval History on 1 December 1916
HMAS SYDNEY saw her first action in the North Sea. ...
Australian Naval History on 21 November 1916
The Australian ship WARILDA was converted to a hospital ship at Garden Island, Sydney. In February 1918 the ship was torpedoed by a German submarine in the English Channel, but ...