By Commander David Jordan CSC RANR
On 14 May 1987 the Military of Fiji took control of the country in a bloodless coup d’état. In response to the coup, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) began preparations to evacuate Australian citizens from Fiji. Much has been written about Operation Morris Dance and in particular the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Ships involved. Perhaps less known was the RAN involvement on the ground in Fiji.
The ADF had long recognised the central geographic location of Fiji in the South West Pacific (SWPAC). With direct flights from Australia, Fiji served as a logical hub for subsequent transport to other SWPAC islands. In the 1980s, Fiji’s capital Suva offered some of the best infrastructure and communications available in the region. The Defence Adviser SWPAC (DA SWPAC) role was established at the Australian High Commission in Suva. DA SWPAC provided oversight for Defence Advisers stationed in other Pacific islands. DA SWPAC also had responsibility for the ADF presence in Fiji.
In 1987 there was an Australian Army NCO serving with the Fiji Army but as with other Pacific islands, Australia’s relationship with the Fiji Military was largely a naval one. Lieutenant Commander J.R.F. Thompson RAN served as the RFN Training Officer and CPOETC Cowell as a technical adviser. Both were based at the training establishment RFS Vitiin Togalevu, just outside Suva. Sub Lieutenant David Jordan, RAN was on exchange with the RFN, serving as the Navigating Officer of the patrol boat HMFS Kiro (P206) based at Walu Bay in Suva Harbour. There were also a few Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) personnel serving on secondment to the RFN but SBLT Jordan’s was the only sea going billet.

HMFS Kiro was one of three ex-USN coastal minesweepers adapted for patrol duties by removal of the minesweeping equipment. Kiro and her sisters proved useful albeit rudimentary patrol boats. The propulsion machinery had good operational durability typical of fundamental design. Very economical, it was easy to maintain a patrol speed of 10 knots and the boats were very seaworthy. On the partly closed bridge, a magnetic compass was fitted and the radar was the ubiquitous Racal Decca RM916 as fitted to RAN Attack Class Patrol Boats. There was no air conditioning, placing habitability hardship on the crew. It was not uncommon for sailors to sleep on the upper deck. Victualling was limited with food from villages and ‘catch of the day’ providing much needed supplementation of the menu plan. But perhaps the most enduring aspect of these boats was their wooden design and construction; simple, functional, robust yet forgiving. Importantly, the RFN knew how to support and operate their patrol boats.
Typically, 21-day patrols were undertaken of Fiji’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Operational tasking included visiting outlying islands and remote communities, along with patrols of open-sea areas of the EEZ. Kiro’s first patrol of 1987 was to the eastern and south eastern islands, including to Minerva Reef. The second patrol was to the western and northern areas, including to the island of Rotuma.

The third patrol was around Kadavu Island supporting hydrographic surveys of potential anchorages for the nascent cruise line industry. Explosives were embarked to use for removing any reef navigational impediment to the anchorages. These ‘bommies’ were relatively isolated but did often constrain the potential access to and anchorage options for larger vessels. Opportunity was also taken to load materials for a local supply run to the Captain’s village. Kiro’s Commanding Officer was Lieutenant Semi Koroilavesau, RFN who was to rise to the rank of Commander before leaving the Navy and somewhat ironically, establishing what is now Captain Cook Cruises in Fiji. Semi was later to become a Member of Parliament. A young Sub Lieutenant Viliame (Bill) Naupoto, RFN was also serving in Kiro and later rose to the rank of Rear Admiral, becoming the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF).
On 14 May 1987 Kiro was at anchor off the village of Nalotu on the north western part of Kadavu island. Early in the afternoon a message was received via HF radio advising of the coup and directing Kiro to return to Suva. The instruction to return was not specific in respect of time so the CO remained at anchor overnight to complete local resupply arrangements and hold an evening kava session. The crew listened intently to the radio as the coup unfolded. This under-reaction to the coup might seem a little out of place in a military and naval operating context but, there was logic in the CO’s approach.
The CO knew the coup had an underlying tension between the indigenous Fijian and Indo-Fijian ethnic groups. There were only a handful of Indo-Fijian’s serving in the Military and two of them were on board Kiro. Their safety needed to be assured and this was best addressed in that classic ‘Pacific way’ with considered and unrushed dialogue. Kiro returned to Suva on 15 May 1987 where SBLT Jordan, RAN left the Ship and reported to the Australian High Commission.
ADF staff under the outstanding leadership of the DA SWPAC Commander R.G. (Bob) Dagworthy, RAN assisted with planning for the evacuation of Australian citizens and approved foreign nationals. Particular operational-level information was able to be passed to the RAN Ships in port and at sea patrolling off Fiji. Status of RFN Ships and of the Fiji Military’s very recent capability improvements were of particular interest. Two of the patrol boats were operational with Kirodeploying to Lautoka and RFS Kikau remaining at Suva. The small hydrographic survey ship, RFS Latui, was fitted with .50cal machine guns from the non-operational RFS Kula. The explosives in Kiro were landed and redistributed to RFN divers who were located at focus points primarily around the capital. Two small fast pleasure craft were acquired by the RFN and fitted with small arms. The RFN increased security patrols around Walu Bay naval base, less than 100 metres from the RAN and RNZN Ships berthed at the main wharf.
Being apprised of these developments allowed the RAN Ships to adopt relevant force protection measures. Although, it was quickly becoming apparent the likelihood of a threat to ADF assets was low. SBLT Jordan’s working relationship with some of the Fiji Military meant it was possible to gain more insight into the situation on the ground in Fiji than by simply listening to the radio or sitting in the Australian High Commission helping plan. Quick ‘catch ups’ with ex-ship mates provided a useful means of understanding the situation a little more. Explaining to guards at vehicle check points of the need to visit a military person for some reason provided a greater freedom of movement than would otherwise be possible. Disposition of forces and to a certain degree, the intent and operational posture of the Fiji Military, was able to be ascertained.
Being ‘out and about’ could sometimes be a little more challenging though, with young policemen often pursuing their duties with a degree of exuberance. Being bundled into a police van one evening while helping with diplomatic bags, followed by a very short yet hospitable stay in the down-town watch house was not expected. Events such as this were very rare and after a few weeks it was clear there was no need for any evacuation. Indeed, by late May it was possible to facilitate HMAS Stalwart, again alongside in Suva, host a low-key reception for Australian High Commission personnel and their families. RAN Ships had departed Fiji by 30 May 1987 with SBLT Jordan returning to Australia 29 June 1987.
About the Author: David Jordan spent his childhood in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific before joining the RANC in 1983. After the usual training as a Seaman Officer, he qualified as an Officer of the Watch and subsequently as a warfare officer specialising in Gunnery. He commanded the patrol boat HMAS BENDIGO and the frigate HMAS WARRAMUNGA. He also served as Voyage Captain in STS Young Endeavour. He left the Permanent Naval Force in 2007 and transferred to the Reserves. David is currently a consultant in Defence industry advising small and medium enterprises.