The true story of two English children fleeing the Japanese out of Singapore on the ill-fated SS Vyner Brooke
Her first book ‘Men of the Line’ resulted from a simple personal desire to learn more about Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop and his, and also his colleagues, POW experiences. Subsequent research on the Australian POW Experience led to her award winning book ‘Ray Parkin’s Odyssey’, a remarkable biography, illustrated by 100 paintings and sketches.
At a meeting of the Melbourne Chapter of the Society in November 2016, Pattie speaks about a new book, ‘The Skiff Party’.
This is the true story of two English children who flee from the Japanese out of Singapore on the ill-fated SS Vyner Brooke which was sunk by the Japanese in the Banka Straight on February 12th 1942. Imprisonment followed and in mid-1944 the two children found themselves as civilian internees in the horror of the Tjideng camp in Batavia.
Pattie Wright is a well known author.
Duration 36 minutes