The FFG-7, (Adelaide), class guided missile frigate, HMAS NEWCASTLE, was commissioned at Newcastle, NSW. NEWCASTLE was laid down in AMECON Williamstown Dockyard, VIC, and launched on 21 February 1992. Mrs ...
Australian Units
Australian Naval History on 8 December 1993
Clearance Divers from HMA Ships PERTH and CANBERRA, (guided missile frigates), assisted the Royal Malaysian Police in the search and recovery of the body of a crewman from the cruise ...
Australian Naval History on 24 November 1993
HMA Ships PERTH, (guided missile destroyer), CANBERRA, (guided missile frigate), and ORION, (submarine),) were on passage to the northern Malacca Strait, to take part in the ASW Exercise SHAREM 94-1with ...
Australian Naval History on 20 November 1993
HMAS MORESBY, (survey vessel), was engaged in the final stages of her survey in the Arnhem Land area. ...
Australian Naval History on 12 November 1993
HMAS SYDNEY, (guided missile frigate), completed her second tour of duty, and departed the Damask Operations Area for Australia. ...
Australian Naval History on 17 October 1994
Operation Lagoon ceases, and HMA Ships TOBRUK, (landing ship heavy), and SUCCESS, (auxiliary oiler replenishment), depart from Bougainville and return to Australia. The peace conference that they had been supporting ...
Australian Naval History on 10 October 1993
A Sea King helicopter from HMAS TOBRUK, (landing ship heavy), was shot at, and sustained two hits by small arms fire in the tail, while conducting a routine reconnaissance flight ...
Australian Naval History on 9 October 1993
HMAS TOBRUK, (landing ship heavy), arrives at Arawa Bay, Bougainville. After the wharf and adjacent seabed at Loloho had been cleared by a clearance diving team, TOBRUK berthed, and commenced ...
Australian Naval History on 4 October 1993
HMA Ships TOBRUK, (landing ship heavy), and SUCCESS, (auxiliary oiler replenishment), depart Townsville with stores and ADF personnel for Operation Lagoon in Bougainville. ...
RAN Minesweepers and Minehunters
HMAS Albatross – a brief history
The decision to build an airfield on the land now occupied by the Naval Air Station was taken soon after WWII was declared in 1939. The RAAF occupied the new ...
Obituary: LT. CDR. Palgrave Ebden Carr, D.F.C., RAN (Rtd.)
Whilst documentation of our Naval history regarding ships and battles is well covered in our Naval Historical Review, these battles could not have been won or lost without the brave ...
Book Review: Small Ships at War
“SMALL SHIPS AT WAR” By Iris Nesdale There has been for quite some time, a need for the story of the Small Ships of the RAN, below Corvette size in ...
Australian Naval History on 28 August 1993
HMAS COLLINS, the first of the Collins class submarines, was launched in Adelaide. ...
Australian Naval History on 17 August 1993
The 19.5 metre diving boats SEAL and PORPOISE were taken over by the RAN at Geraldton, WA. They will join SHARK, which is already in service with Clearance Diving Team ...
Australian Naval History on 29 June 1993
HMAS GLADSTONE, (patrol boat), arrived on station in the southwest Pacific, for deployment to Tonga, Vanuatu, and Fiji. ...
Australian Naval History on 25 June 1993
Last Sea King delivered to RAN FAA ...
Australian Naval History on 22 June 1993
The guided missile frigate, HMAS Sydney (IV), departed for Operation DAMASK. ...
Australian Naval History on 16 June 1993
HMAS Jervis Bay I arrived at Townsville after second mission to Mogadishu, Somalia as a part of Operation SOLACE, the Australian Defence Force’s contribution to the US-led operation to bring ...
Lieutenant-Commander R.W. Rankin of HMAS Yarra
On 14th August, 1992, shortly after HMAS CRESWELL’S annual Passing Out Parade, Miss Trish Rankin presented her father’s medals to Captain C.S.H. Harrington, RAN, Commanding Officer of HMAS CRESWELL. Fifty ...
HMAS Warramunga – Battle For The Philippines 1945
Australia’s Submarine History – AE1 & AE2 To Collins
Australian Naval History on 30 May 1993
HMAS SYDNEY, (guided missile frigate), sailed from Darwin en-route to the Red Sea, to take part in UN trade sanctions against Iraq, as part of the RAN’s ongoing Operation Damask. ...
Australian Naval History on 20 May 1993
HMAS JERVIS BAY and HMAS Tobruk departed from Mogadishu with personnel and cargo at the conclusion of Operation Solace ...
The End of the Line
One visitor to the Port of Fremantle in Western Australia which went virtually unnoticed was the former Royal Australian Navy destroyer escort PARRAMATTA. Towed by the diminutive tug WOOREE, the PARRAMATTA ...