HMAS DARWIN, (guided missile frigate), led the merchant ships AL SALAM and SANDGATE through a deep water channel in a minefield off Kuwait. ...
Australian Units
Australian Naval History on 18 June 1991
HMAS PERTH, (guided missile destroyer), and HMAS ADELAIDE, (guided missile frigate), made a goodwill visit to Phuket Island, Thailand. ...
RAN – First Naval Casualty – Loss Of AE1
Letters: A South Atlantic Incident
I wish to make the following correction to my article ”A SOUTH ATLANTIC INCIDENT” published in the September, 1990 edition of the Naval Historical Review. An ex Communicator might be forgiven ...
Australian Naval History on 9 June 1991
HMAS Westralia (II) returned to Australia on completion of her participation in Operation DAMASK II. ...
Australian Naval History on 4 June 1991
HMAS DARWIN, (guided missile frigate), arrived in the Arabian Gulf to relieve HMAS BRISBANE, (guided missile destroyer). BRISBANE was the only RAN destroyer to see service in the Arabian Gulf. ...
Australian Naval History on 2 June 1991
During Operation Gulf Storm, HMAS BENDIGO, (patrol boat), intercepted and boarded the first of 42 foreign fishing vessels intruding in Australian waters, off the east coast of Tasmania. This training ...
Australian Naval History on 1 June 1991
HMAS JERVIS BAY, (training ship), arrived at Honiara, (Solomon Islands), for a goodwill visit to the area. ...
Australian Naval History on 20 May 1991
HMAS PERTH, (guided missile destroyer), arrived at the port of Pireaus, Greece, to take part in the 50th Anniversary commemorations of the Greece and Crete Campaigns. During her time in ...
Australian Naval History on 22 April 1991
HMAS BRISANE, (guided missile destroyer), and HMAS SYDNEY, (guided missile frigate), returned to their home port of Sydney, after serving in the Persian Gulf during Operation Damask, (1st Gulf War). ...
The RAN’s Destroyers
Scharnhorst – Life on the Other Side of the Mirror
Letters: Attack on HMAS Australia
Having read the various accounts of the dawn attack on HMAS Australia on 21st October 1944, as contained in the Society’s publications, may I submit the following observation on the ...
Book Review: Action Stations Coral Sea
Chris Coulthard-Clark, Allen & Unwin Australia Pty Ltd 157 pages, illustrated. This thoroughly researched account of the first important, sea battle in the South Pacific in World War 2 is ...
Australian Naval History on 1 March 1991
The keel of the second Collins Class submarine, HMAS FARNCOMB, was laid at Osborne, South Australia. ...
Australian Naval History on 10 February 1991
Sunday, 10 February 1991 marked the 27th anniversary of the loss of HMAS Voyager (II). A large contingent of survivors embarked in Swan at Port Kembla to take passage to ...
Australian Naval History on 26 January 1991
HMAS WESTRALIA, (tanker), entered the operational area of the Arabian Gulf. She served in the area for over 100 days, as part of Operation Damask, and supplied a variety of ...
Australian Naval History on 17 January 1991
During Operation DESERT STORM HMA Ships Sydney and Brisbane formed part of the air defence screen around Battle Force Zulu, in the Arabian Gulf, which included up to three USN ...
Australian Naval History on 16 January 1991
The UN deadline for Iraq to remove it’s troops from Kuwait passed and Operation Desert Storm commenced. Australian ships in the Gulf were part of the force screening the aircraft ...
Australian Naval History on 11 January 1991
HMAS Parramatta was decommissioned. Parramatta was subsequently sold to a Pakistani company and towed from Australia October 1991 to be broken up. ...
Australian Naval History on 2 January 1991
HMAS Westralia II departed HMAS Stirling for the Arabian Gulf, arriving in the Middle East Area of Operations on Australia Day 1991, nine days after the commencement of military action ...
Recollections of founding the Naval Historical Society
Australian Naval History on 12 November 1990
HMA Ships BRISBANE, (guided missile destroyer), and SYDNEY, (guided missile frigate), sailed from Sydney to relieve HMA Ships ADELAIDE and DARWIN, (guided missile frigates), in the multi-national naval force in ...