By Graeme Lunn John Brown and Company laid down the keel for a battlecruiser in September 1916 that would become the Royal Navy’s epitome of firepower, speed and grace during ...
HMS Repulse
The Special Service Squadron – An episode in the peacetime history of theRoyal Navy 1923-1924
Rohan Goyne The ‘World Cruise’ of a special service squadron of the Royal Navy was an inter-war episode of flag waving across the world’s oceans from arguably a declining world ...
Commander J.M. Alliston DSO, DSC*, US Legion of Honour, Royal Navy
Commander John Alliston, who has died aged 94, was one of the Second World War’s most highly decorated destroyer captains, who afterwards brought up his family on a remote island ...
The Fall of Singapore in February 1942 – Naval Operations
Heroes Too Long Forgotten
Australian Naval Aviation – Part 3
Australian Naval History on 10 December 1941
Japanese bombers sank HMS PRINCE OF WALES, (battleship), and HMS REPULSE, (battle-cruiser), in the South China Sea. HMAS VAMPIRE, (destroyer), picked up survivors. One of those lost in the sinking ...
Australian Naval History on 12 December 1917
HMAS AUSTRALIA, (battle-cruiser), was damaged in a collision with HMS REPULSE, (battle-cruiser). ...