By James (JO) Morrice It is with great sadness that we hear of the recent passing of our friend and comrade Captain JO Morrice RAN and trust this short article ...
Training ship
Young Endeavour Replacement
A new sail training ship will be built in Australia over the next three years, to replace STS Young Endeavour. The original brigantine is now 35 years old, and has ...
Occasional Paper 148: Nautical School Ship Sobraon and Bernard Kieran – one of the great early Australian swimmers
By Lorraine Fildes HMAS Tingira was commissioned on 25 April 1912 to provide early naval training for young recruits to the Navy. The Tingira was originally called the Sobraon and ...
Book Review: Like a Wicked Noah’s Ark – The Nautical School Ships Vernon and Sobraon
Like a Wicked Noah’s Ark – The Nautical School Ships Vernon and Sobraon A paperback of 362 pages by Sarah Luke, published by Arcadia, 2020. RRP $44.00. As the old saying ...
Advice to the Young
Young Endeavour – Challenge for the future
The people who are prepared to challenge their own ideas about their limitations are the people who make the most of their lives. These are the people who are prepared ...
About HMAS Tingira
HMAS Tingira, often called The Cradle of the R.A.N., lay in the middle of Rose Bay from 25th April 1912 until 1927 as a training ship for lower deck new entries. ...