Hi Walter, Some time ago I photographed both the Cowra Limbo mounting and a twin 4.7in. mounting. This latter had no splinter shield but was surely a Tribal. Both items ...
Letter: Rethymnon – More on Lew Lind
Dear Walter I just wanted to thank you sincerely for your help. I seem to have involved you and members of your family considerably in the search. Perhaps you would ...
Roylen Cruises and their fleet of Fairmiles
By Walter Burroughs A visit to an Opportunity Shop browsing through other people’s junk is often time wasting. And so it was while wasting time that an unwanted, ubiquitous, one-dollar ...
How did we get USN 16-inch gun projectiles to Australia?
By Geoff Davidson In 1994 I was posted for three years to Washington DC as the RAN representative to provide weapon and ship follow-on support for the FFG ships HMA ...
Throwing a Party: The Naval Ball of 1899
Colin Randall, one of our venerable archivists, discovered some newspaper cuttings from well over a century past which perhaps reminds us of how things were done when a celebration was ...