Thursday Island and nearby Horn Island in the Torres Strait were always welcome stopovers for fuel or water for so many WWII Fairmile patrol vessels as they ‘went north’ to ...
Battles and operations
The Midshipman – A Corvette Wartime Experience
A summary of Australian naval involvement in world conflicts
Book Review: The War for All the Oceans
Reminiscences about the wartime activities of HMAS Australia
Leadership: Vice Admiral Sir John Augustine Collins
The China Fleet – Small Ships WW2
An RAN Clearance Diver in the Gulf War
Broke of the Shannon – Boston 1813
A short history of the RAN Bridging Train (1915-1917)
Book Review: A Very Rude Awakening
A Very Rude Awakening: The night the Japanese midget subs came to Sydney Harbour. By Peter Grose Allen & Unwin Reviewed by Tim Duchesne On 31 May 1942, three cruisers, ...
Further Reflections on the Sydney/Kormoran Battle, 1941
Leadership: Admiral of the Fleet Isoroku Yamamoto
Korean Waters – Tribal Class Destroyers
Gascoyne to the Rescue On Christmas Day 1944
HMAS Adelaide – Boarding Party, Persian Gulf 2004
U-859 – From Germany to Penang
HMS Invincible – A Flawed Design
The Battle of the Atlantic – Contribution by Code Breakers
Letters: Followup on Disappearance of AE1
I was very interested in reading about the disappearance of the AE1 submarine without a trace in 1914. I have an idea that it may have been sucked down by ...
Book Review: Shadow Voyage – Escape of the SS Bremen
Leadership: Vice Admiral Nagumo & the Third Wave Decision
Reflections on the Sydney/Kormoran Battle 1941
Book Review: Japanese Submarine Raiders – 1942
Japanese Submarine Raiders – 1942. A Maritime Mystery. By Steven Carruthers. Caper Publications Pty Ltd, Narrabeen. ISBN 0-9775630-0-4. Hard cover, 264pp Reviewed by Sandy Saunders Being a comparative newcomer to ...