This is a slightly abbreviated version of Chapter 13 from the book Action Stations – Tribal Destroyers of the Royal Australian Navy by the late Iris Nesdale, published by the ...
16th Minesweeping Squadron – Plaque Dedication
HMAS Bass: The Thin White (and Buff-coloured) Line
Submarine in the Bush – Holbrook NSW
Nirimba Apprentices – Masters of their Craft
Ten former Navy apprentices involved in the building of a yacht more than 40 years ago were reunited with the vessel in Newcastle this week as its new owners. The ...
The Amethyst Incident Recalled
Visit To HMAS Sheean – Garden Island 2003
The Editor managed to score an unexpected conducted tour of one of the RAN’s latest Collins Class submarines, HMAS Sheean, alongside the dedicated submarine berth in Fleet Base East. ON ...
By Dawn’s Early Light
The Great Storm of 1953 – Sheerness Dockyard
The winter of 1953 was marked by severe storms and flooding over vast areas of Kent and the Thames estuary, causing heavy loss of sheep and other livestock, after sea ...
Confrontation-The Campaign Widens || RAN Participation 1964-66
First Excitement in Sarawak 1963
Book Review: No Picnic
Title: No Picnic – An Account of the 1982 Falklands War by Author: Royal Marine Maj Gen Julian Thompson Publisher: Cassell. ISBN: 0-304-35647-6 This book, a revised edition of a ...
Christmas Day Off Korea
I recall this amusing little story as told by my former captain of a large destroyer, from his earlier days during the Korean War (1951-53). My CO was a gunnery ...
Book Review: The Vung Tau Ferry
THE VUNG TAU FERRY – HMAS SYDNEY and Escort Ships (Vietnam 1965-72) By Rodney Nott and Noel Payne 1998 has certainly been a bumper year for Australian Naval histories concerning the ...
Obituary: Rear Admiral Bryn Mussared (1917-1995)
Rear Admiral Bryn Mussared was born in 1917 in Semaphore SA, and entered the Navy in 1932. On passing out from the Naval College, he was awarded ‘maximum time’ and the ...
Obituary: Trevor Ernest Weaver
After a long and painful illness which he fought with characteristic courage, Trevor Weaver died September last. Our former Vice president, Librarian, Secretary, Treasurer, Committeeman ,and long time member of ...
The RAN Clearance Diving Team in Vietnam
Loss of HMAS Altana – New Years Day 1946
In the Pacific region during World War II the Royal Australian Navy was caught up in history’s greatest naval conflict in which numerous large sea/air battles were fought. There were ...
The capturing of USS Pueblo
In recent issues (1988-89) of the United States Naval Institute journal ‘Naval History’ a fairly detailed coverage has been given to the circumstances surrounding the boarding and subsequent capturing of ...
Post-War Naval Losses 1945-88
Lessons from the Falkland Islands War
IN HINDSIGHT all naval powers learnt lessons from the Argentine-British conflict in the Falkland Islands in 1982. Dr. Juan Carlos Murguizur had this to say in an article published in ...