Members will have read that along with a number of Defence properties across the country the Sydney Naval Residence, Tresco, is to be sold. The Society has considered it appropriate ...
History - general
Letters: Harmony at sea
The article in the last issue of N.H.R. Vol. 17, No. 4, (Harmony at Sea) (December 1996) about the employment of women sailors at sea (R.A.N.) was not only revealing ...
Battle of Cape St Vincent bicentenary – an Australian perspective
“Nobly, Nobly, Cape St. Vincent to the North West died away” The Canberra Times I note did not let the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Cape St Vincent on ...
1901-1910 Parliament Debates on Financing Australia’s Navy
Letters: our First Rear Admiral – Dumaresq or King?
The September 1996 issue carries an interesting story about Rear Admiral J. S. Dumaresq, CB, CVO on page 17. The article says “He was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1921, ...
The Legend of Arnold Green RAN – Follow-Up Stories
Further to the article on Arnold Green in the December 1996 edition, more Arnold Green stories: 1. On assumption of his duties as Resident Naval Officer, Hobart, Arnold Green ...
Female Submariners
Harmony at Sea
A copy of an unidentified magazine article came to our notice some weeks ago. It was headed “The Royal Navy”, and dealt with many facets of that Service in a ...
Dumaresq awards and decorations donated to RAN
The awards and decorations of an Australian Rear Admiral who became one of the most innovative naval officers of his time have been donated to the Royal Australian Navy by ...
Prize Money Explained
Recently, in discussing Patrick O’Brian’s books, some of the younger members of the group were intrigued – if not incredulous – when I mentioned that I had received Prize Money ...
Book Review: Via Torres
Title: Via Torres Strait Author: Ian Nicholson Publisher: Roebuck Society Publication No. 48, Nambour, 1996 This book in the Roebuck Historical Series is a maritime history of the Torres Strait shipping ...
Personalities – Able Seaman Thomas Bull (1882-1937)
The Great Australian Naval Board Scandal of 1913
The Australian National Flag
The High Court of Admiralty
As a result of the talk on Friday 1 March by the Honourable Kenneth Carruthers Q.C., who was formerly Judge in Admiralty on the Supreme Court of New South Wales, ...
Thomas Henry Distin Morgan – Naval Chaplain (1868-1937)
Thomas Henry Distin Morgan, born in England 28th December 1868 – son of John Furlong Morgan and Mary (Bradridge). When three months old his parents returned to their home – ...
Technology: A Neglected Dimension of Naval History
Letters: What Size is a Hammock?
In the December 1995 issue of SHIPS MONTHLY, which I receive, was an article called “BOY ON A BATTLE” by Roger Fry recounting his Easter 1956 experiences as a Sea ...
The Bullet that Killed Nelson
With its spectacular front cover reproduction of the portrait of Vice-Admiral Viscount Lord Nelson K.B., the September issue of NAVAL HISTORICAL REVIEW was fascinating with its feature story about “The RAN ...
The True Story of Nelson’s Famous Signal
Longitude and Chronometers of the 18th Century
Nelson’s Signals on the Eve of Trafalgar
In this “Australia Remembers” year, it is fitting to reflect on the 190th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, and what “might have been” if Lord Nelson had been defeated ...
Book Review: Australia’s Navy, 1994 -1995
This is the fifth, and undoubtedly the best, in an annual series of glossy, high quality, magazine style publications which seek to inform the Australian public about its Navy. It ...
History of the “Rising Sun” Badge – followup
I would like to congratulate Maury Wilson on his article about the history of the Army’s Rising Sun Badge in the September/October 1994 issue of NAVAL HISTORICAL REVIEW. As Maury ...