New Meaning put into the word Camouflage WARSHIP CAMOUFLAGE came in some weird and wonderful forms during WW II. But for one of the smaller ships of the RAN it ...
History - WW2
HMAS Platypus in Darwin during blitz 19 February 1942
HMAS PLATYPUS was built in England during WWI as a Submarine Tender to the ’J’ class Submarines and as such she had workshops, oil stowage and storage for torpedoes. Platypus ...
Naval Chapel Windows for Cruisers Unveiled
Richelieu – The Ship That Never Fought
Prisoner of War Rescues
HMAS Manoora Enters the Pacific War
Extracts from the War Diary of former member, the late A.K. Chatto HMAS MANOORA sailed from Sydney at 1800 Saturday, November 22 1941. After clearing the swept channel we took ...
Gunboats on the Yangtse: 1920 to 1937
Book Review: Yield Not To The Wind
Yield Not To The Wind By: Margaret Clarence. Published by the author This is an easy book to read, as the subject is extremely interesting, and once you pick it ...
HMNZS Irirangi – NZ Naval Base
Burra Bra — Ferry and Warship
A SLEEK PASSENGER FERRY for the Sydney to Manly service was launched at the shipyards of Morts Dock & Engineering Co. Ltd., Woolwich, New South Wales, on 17th June 1908. ...
Bomb Alley, 1942
IN 1942 THE BOMB ALLEY of this story extended 400 miles along the central Mediterranean with every mile within 30 minutes of enemy airfields. At the eastern end the strategically ...
The Loss of HMS Kuala, 1942
The Destruction of Force K – Mediterranean 1941
Escape From Gumusluck (Turkey, 1943)
British Monitors East of Malta
The Chindwin Flotilla 1945
THE DISASTROUS RETREAT of the British forces in Burma, their incredible heroism during the siege of Imphal and the eventual southward advance through the worst fighting terrain in the world ...
The Torpedoing of HMAS Hobart 1942
Fateful Encounter – Sydney and Kormoran
A Royal Salute with Live Ammunition – Korea, 1952
(This article was the winner in the Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Essay Competition.) IN COPIES OF QUEEN’S REGULATIONS and Admiralty Instructions under the section Ceremonial is a Table of Gun ...
The Fate of Singapore’s Guns – Japanese Report
In a previous issue of Naval Historical Review we published an article on the guns of Singapore and their ultimate fate. Mr. Bogart, a United States member of the Society, ...
HMS Exeter at the Battle of River Plate
Japan’s Balloon Bombs
US member, Douglas Rubb, served on Admiral Halsey’s staff in the Pacific during World War 2. From mid-1942 until April 1945 he was closely connected with investigations into Japan’s secret ...
The Guns of Singapore
One of the great mysteries of World War 2 was the ultimate fate of Singapore’s batteries of 15 inch guns. Records do not clearly indicate whether all the guns were ...
The Catapult Fighters
For two years during World War II, from 1941 to 1943, the Catapult Aircraft Merchant Ships, assisted by Fighter Catapult Ships of the Royal Navy, played an important role in ...