336 ships… 300 aircraft… Battleships DUKE OF YORK (C-in-C, BPF): Capt. A. D. Nicholl, CBE, DSO KING GEORGE V (VA 2 in C): Capt. B. B. Schofield, CBE ANSON: Capt. ...
Naval history
The Touch and Go War
Coastwatching Remembered
Admiral Dumaresq-A Son of Australia
SYDNEY CAN CLAIM with a great deal of pride that it is the birthplace of a man who has made not only Australian, but Commonwealth Naval History. In the harbourside ...
The RAN in Antarctic Waters
Admiral John Paul Jones and the ships that honoured him
Foreword to the first issue
There can be no doubt as to either the importance or interest of the study of history to those who follow or support the profession of arms at sea. For example, the ...