A SLEEK PASSENGER FERRY for the Sydney to Manly service was launched at the shipyards of Morts Dock & Engineering Co. Ltd., Woolwich, New South Wales, on 17th June 1908. ...
Australian Units
Australian Naval History on 21 March 1981
The FFG-7, (Adelaide), class guided missile frigate HMAS CANBERRA, (CMDR B. Wilson, RAN), was commissioned in Seattle, USA. CANBERRA was laid down in Todd Shipyard, Seattle, USA, and launched on ...
The Cruise Of HMAS Australia -1934-36
Australian Naval History on 14 March 1981
HMAS WARRNAMBOOL, (Fremantle class patrol boat), was commissioned. ...
Australian Naval History on 7 January 1981
HMAS ADELAIDE, (guided missile frigate), ran aground off Puget Sound, USA and sustained serious underwater damage. In the subsequent court martial the Commanding Officer of ADELAIDE was found guilty of ...
The Story of HMCS Protector
The Gift Fleet
The Gift Fleet – from the RN to Australia, 1919 WITH THE END OF THE GREAT WAR the Imperial Government found itself with a considerable number of naval vessels on ...
HMAS Bataan
The Last of the Australian Built Tribal Class THE LAST OF THE THREE Tribal class destroyers built at Cockatoo Island was to have been named Kurnai after an Aboriginal Tribe ...
Warramunga’s Badge
WHEN HMAS WARRAMUNGA commissioned for service in November 1942 no official badge had been authorised for the ship, and being wartime this was of no great consequence. Early in 1943 ...
Australian Naval History on 15 November 1980
The guided missile frigate HMAS ADELAIDE, (CMDR G. R. Lamperd, RAN), was commissioned. ADELAIDE was laid down in Seattle, USA, and launched on 21 June 1978. Mrs Elizabeth Synnot, (Wife ...
Australian Naval History on 28 October 1980
HMAS COOK, (oceanographic ship), was commissioned at Williamstown Dockyard, VIC, under CMDR I. Pullar, RAN. ...
Australian Naval History on 25 October 1980
HMAS WARRNAMBOOL, the second of fifteen Fremantle class patrol boats ordered for the RAN, was launched at Cairns, QLD. ...
Australian Naval History on 24 October 1980
The Russian Ship, STOROZHEVOY, (guided missile frigate), shadowed HMA Ships MELBOURNE, (aircraft carrier), and PERTH, (guided missile destroyer), in the Indian Ocean. A Tracker SE2 aircraft from MELBOURNE also sighted ...
Australian Naval History on 21 October 1980
HMAS MELBOURNE, (aircraft carrier), lost her second Skyhawk fighter-bomber on her deployment in the Indian Ocean. The first was lost in the Andaman Sea on 2 October. Both pilots were ...
Australian Naval History on 8 September 1980
An Australian Squadron, consisting of HMA Ships MELBOURNE, PERTH, DERWENT, STALWART, and SUPPLY, and HMAS OTAMA, (Oberon class submarine), was deployed in the Indian Ocean on an extended flag-showing cruise ...
Australian Naval History on 27 August 1980
HMAS FREMANTLE, the first of 14 Fremantle class patrol boats ordered for the RAN, arrived in Sydney at the end of her 14,509 mile maiden voyage. ...
Australian Naval History on 9 August 1980
The keel of HMAS SUCCESS, a 17,000 ton replenishment vessel for the RAN, was laid by the Minister for Defence, Mr. D. J. Killen, at Cockatoo Island Sydney. ...
Australian Naval History on 30 July 1980
The destroyer escort HMAS YARRA, (CMDR P. A. Knife, RAN), represented Australia at the New Hebrides Independence Celebrations at Vila. ...
Australian Naval History on 23 July 1980
HMAS ARDENT, (patrol boat), apprehended two Indonesian luggers poaching in Australian fishing waters north-west of Derby, WA. ...
Australian Naval History on 20 July 1980
HMAS Adroit hosted a reception for NOCNA, Captain R McKenzie, ADC, RAN, and nine guests including Rear Admiral Shapiro, USN; and Miss Australia 1980, Miss Eleanor Moreton. The guests were ...
Bathurst Class Minesweepers (Corvettes)
HERMAN GILL IN HIS HISTORY of the Royal Australian Navy 1939-1942 stated that the Bathurst class minesweepers or corvettes were ‘an Australian modification of an Admiralty design’ and this view ...
Bomb Alley, 1942
IN 1942 THE BOMB ALLEY of this story extended 400 miles along the central Mediterranean with every mile within 30 minutes of enemy airfields. At the eastern end the strategically ...
Corvette Maryborough 1941-1946
HMAS MARYBOROUGH was built by Walker’s Ltd at Maryborough, Queensland and commissioned by Lieutenant Commander G. L. Cant, RAN on 15th June, 1941. Known as the Bathurst class of mine-sweepers, ...
Australian Naval History on 17 June 1980
The destroyer escort HMAS SWAN, (CMDR D. T. Read, RAN), rescued 72 Vietnamese refugees from a disabled vessel in the South China Sea. ...
Australian Naval History on 5 June 1980
Evaluations of the US designed Mk 48 heavyweight torpedo, (for potential use in the Oberon class submarines), commenced at HMAS WATSON. ...