LITTLE IS KNOWN in Australia of Amokura, being a training ship operated by the New Zealand Government from 1905 until 1921, but by her former name of HMS Sparrow she ...
Naval Hardware – Breech Loaders (Part2)
The Last Man on Anzac
THE HONOUR OF BEING THE LAST MAN on Anzac in 1915 seems to go to a naval rating, now living in Sydney. His name is Charlie Hooper, and this year ...
Naval Hardware – Breech Loaders (Part1)
HMAS Parramatta Memorial
The memorial to the three ships bearing the proud title of HMAS Parramatta will be unveiled at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday, 13th June, 1981 at Queens Wharf Steps in the City ...
The Cruise Of HMAS Australia -1934-36
New South Wales Naval Forces in 1901
WITH THE BASING of the Australian Squadron of the Royal Navy in Sydney, the State of New South Wales saw little need to raise a large naval force and turned ...
The Gift Fleet
The Gift Fleet – from the RN to Australia, 1919 WITH THE END OF THE GREAT WAR the Imperial Government found itself with a considerable number of naval vessels on ...
HMAS Bataan
The Last of the Australian Built Tribal Class THE LAST OF THE THREE Tribal class destroyers built at Cockatoo Island was to have been named Kurnai after an Aboriginal Tribe ...
Siting of guns at Flinders Naval Depot
In December 1941 CPO Don Walker was instructed to take a group of seamen, train them as a crew for a 3.7 inch howitzer and, when they were considered to ...
The Will of an Old Sea Dog
Mr. John Harding was a member of the China Naval Contingent of 1900 and served in the Boxer Rebellion with the Victorian Section. He had been a member of the ...
Warramunga’s Badge
WHEN HMAS WARRAMUNGA commissioned for service in November 1942 no official badge had been authorised for the ship, and being wartime this was of no great consequence. Early in 1943 ...
Further information on Bathurst class minesweepers
Recently an article concerning the Bathurst class mine-sweepers was featured in this Review. For completeness a few minor points that were not covered are now mentioned. With regard to the ...
The Infamous Conduct of Captain William Case and the crew of HMS
The Solent Review – 1909
Alphabetical List Of British Warships Reviewed by the King in the Solent, 1909. 1 H.M.S. Achilles Armoured Cruiser 13,550 tons Comdr. Wm. C.M. NICHOLSON 2 H.M.S. Adventure Scout 2,670 tons ...
The Guns of Singapore
One of the great mysteries of World War 2 was the ultimate fate of Singapore’s batteries of 15 inch guns. Records do not clearly indicate whether all the guns were ...
Lord Nelson’s Prayer
On the morning of 21st October, 1805, the combined fleets of France and Spain then in sight. May the great God, whom I worship, grant to my country and for ...
Ship Badges – Royal Australian Navy
Battle Honours for HMA Ships and Fleet Air Arm Squadrons
Japanese Destroyers In Battle of Sunda Strait
The Battle of Sunda Strait was won by Japanese destroyers. In no other action in the Pacific War were their destroyers given the opportunity of using the tactics they had ...
HIRMS Rynda Arrives
Commissioned for 69 Days-HMAS Boonaroo
New South Wales Naval Forces
This article appeared in The Navy and Army Illustrated dated 15th October 1897. The New South Wales Naval Brigade was the least developed of the Colonial Navies for the obvious ...
Merchant Ship Losses in Australian Waters in WW2
Forty four Allied merchant vessels were lost by enemy action in Australian waters in World War II. With a total tonnage of 196073 the ships ranged from the 12568 ton ...
White Lady of the North – HMAS Moresby
At the end of World War II most of the older small ships of the RAN, which had served valiantly in peace and war, were disposed of. At this time ...