*The first became Australia’s Minister for Defence. * The second piloted 8463 ships of the world through our major ports to set a record that probably never will be eclipsed. ...
Article topics
Nelson’s Signals on the Eve of Trafalgar
In this “Australia Remembers” year, it is fitting to reflect on the 190th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, and what “might have been” if Lord Nelson had been defeated ...
Australia Remembers 1945-1995
RAN Clearance Diving Operations in the Gulf War – 1991
Who “Invented” Radar?
Trincamalee Harbour Incident – 1944
The British Fleet that lay at anchor in the harbour at Trincamalee consisted of five battleships, two squadrons of cruisers, four aircraft carriers and two flotillas of destroyers, all peacefully ...
Letters – First Australian life lost in a Naval action in WWII
I have been assisting author Dennis Newton (“A Few of the Few” about Australians involved in the Battle of Britain) with research for his next book,” First Impact”, and seek members advice.” First ...
HMAS Canberra – Solomon Islands Memorial
Prior to 1988, the HMAS Canberra – HMAS Shropshire Association had been occupied in establishing memorials to both their ships at Naval establishments in each State of Australia. In March ...
Book Review: Australia’s Navy, 1994 -1995
This is the fifth, and undoubtedly the best, in an annual series of glossy, high quality, magazine style publications which seek to inform the Australian public about its Navy. It ...
Book Review: Krait the little fishing boat that went to war and The Heroes of Rimau
Title: “Krait” – The Little Fishing Boat that Went to War” Title: “The Heroes of Rimau” Author: Lynette Ramsay with research from Major Tom Hall The histories of “KRAIT” and her Jaywick operation, ...
Letters: HMAS Canberra Memorial followup
As a survivor of HMAS Canberra in 1942 and as one who assisted in establishing a memorial to that ship. I feel it my duty to reply to Russ Prior’s ...
Letters: Convoy to Suez – 1941
I am writing in connection with Mr Hilton’s enquiry in “Navy News” May number of the convoy to Suez which left the Clyde on 22nd May 1941. This was convoy WS ...
German Raiders in the Indian Ocean – 1941
The RAN Clearance Diving Team in Vietnam
History of the “Rising Sun” Badge – followup
I would like to congratulate Maury Wilson on his article about the history of the Army’s Rising Sun Badge in the September/October 1994 issue of NAVAL HISTORICAL REVIEW. As Maury ...
Obituary: Lewis James Lind 1922-1994
FAIRMILES – Overview Of Vessels
The “B” Type Fairmile was a wooden hulled motor launch of approximately 90 tons displacement. It had a length of 112′, a beam of 17’10” and a draught of 3’8″ forward ...
Sparrow Force – Timor 1942-1943 – Under false colours?
In February 1942 when the Japanese army invaded Timor a small band of Australians – the `Sparrow Force’ – took to the mountains and began a guerilla war against the ...
Port Adelaide – Memories 1924
HMAS Nizam – Typhoon 1945
HMAS Dubbo – Past and Present
Book Review: North of Gallipoli – The Black Sea Fleet at War 1914-17
Some years ago Commander (E) George Nekrasov, RAN gave a talk to the Naval Historical Society of Australia in Sydney on this topic. Subsequently he continued his research into the ...
Letters: HMAS Canberra Memorial
I was interested to see in the June 1994 edition a reproduction of a memorial plate for HMAS CANBERRA at Honiara in the Solomon Islands. Having served in this ship ...
Letters: HMAS Stirling followup
I was surprised to read on page 15 of the March 1994 Naval Historical Review in the article on HMAS STIRLING that, and I quote “…and returned in June, 1829 ...
Battle of Jutland and Leyte Gulf – A comparison